Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 3 of My Juice Fast...

...I actually woke up looking forward to what kind of juices I will make today. Monday was by far, the most difficult. Yesterday went by pretty smoothly, I was busy and that helped. I got a little tired in the afternoon, not sure it was juice so much as it as getting up at 430am. I took a little nap and got busy again and was able to go to bed at 930...fell right asleep. I got up at 430am again, which is good practice for when I begin running again. I wasn't terribly hungry and I feel good, solid and kind of peppy. I weighed in at 224.4 this about 6lbs lost so far. While I am looking to lose weight, I really am trying to jump start my body back on a vegetarian diet and get the crap (figuratively and literally) out of me.

My skin seems to be a little clearer this morning. A few hives, but nothing like usual. I am hoping that within the next couple of weeks I will be able to have clear skin and not have to take medication...we shall see. I hope to start running again within a few days. I have been very active with shoots and stuff so it's not like I am sitting around lethargic on juice...;) I just want to be used to it and get a few more pounds off my body so it doesn't hurt as much. While I can run, it's very inefficient and painful, so I end up in a vicious cycle of running one day, in pain for 2-3...then mentally trying to psych myself up for it all over again. So that's my rationale....

More to come!

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